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A Shoot with Pina Bausch dancer Julie Stanzak

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Bertolt Brecht – 7 Todsünden ( The seven deadly sins)

Growing up in a city called Wuppertal is a major plus if you like contemporary dance. Thanks to Pina Bausch (1940-2009) and her company, my story started as a young inspiring ballet dancer… until the day when I reached 1.80m and the classic ballerina days were over. My Godmother Julie Stanzak was always this inspirational absolute beauty and even an incredible dancer at 1.80m! Since I can remember, she traveled the world with that company. She lives in the apartment where I was born. Even when she came back home late from the theater or after performing  at every metropolis she would always drop by for a quick kiss and to give me gifts from all over the world. I never dared to ask for her picture even though it has been on my mind for a long time. Finally I had an occasion, I got the honor of being asked wether I wanted to exhibit in eight well known places in Wuppertal. One of them is Cafe du Congo the former hangout place of Pina and her company. So what would suit the place better than actual pictures of the dancers. My idea was to pick up the former ballet from Bertolt Brecht ‚die sieben Todsünden‘. In 1976 Pina created a play based on it already, unfortunately with less success since the art of dancing was very experimental. Julie and I created our own interpretation of these 7 sins:

Hochmut – Vanity

Habgier – Greed

Wollust – Lust

Zorn – Wrath

Völlerei – Gluttony

Neid – Envy

Faulheit – Sloth







IMG_20151109_125529 Kopie Kopie

Cleopatra the 15cm snail came all the way from the south of germany to help us with the picture of sloth.

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